Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Kingston, New York:  We met up with a group of fellow Loopers who have been here in Kingston for almost two weeks.  Everyone is anxiously waiting for news that the Erie Canal will open.  So far, additional heavy rains have caused some damage to some of the Locks so the news is not good.

While we wait, we conduct the usual boat chores, take the bus to the food store and explore the town.
Here is the Captain working in the engine room.  He has wised up and now wears a helmet to protect the ole  noggin from bumps.

 Kingston is a pretty little town which has maintained its old buildings-many of which have been converted to antique stores and restaurants.
Weekly concerts are a welcome feature in the waterfront pavilion.

 There is a long legacy of Irish settlement in Kingston.  Besides the Irish pub, many catholic churches, the stripe down the center of the main road is painted green!

 Love those Celtic Crosses.

City Hall in Mid Town.
War memorial in front of City Hall.

 Some of the fellow stranded Looper boats.
 Never to fear when Loopers are near-5 o'clock cocktails are on order.
 Commiserating on the Erie Canal closure....
 Preparing for a communal feast is a weekly event as well.

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